SDAN Meeting – Housing

Zoom Invitation MD

On September 17th at 12pm, we held our SDAN Membership Meeting focusing on Housing. We welcomed Tim Wiens from Maryland Independent Housing. He presented information and resources to help us navigate the regulatory minefield of Independent Housing for Self-directing participants. You can watch the meeting here: SDAN MEMBERSHIP MEETING - HOUSING Click here for the […]

SDAN Meeting – Staff Recruitment

Zoom Invitation MD

Hiring dedicated staff members is more important– and more challenging– than ever. So…… Mark your calendars for the virtual premiere of Why Work in Self-Direction? a staff recruitment and training video produced by SDAN volunteers. This new video, which illustrates the core principles of Self-Direction, is a valuable tool for participants and family advocates.  The 23-minute film […]

SDAN MEETING – New DDA Family as Staff Form and Participant Agreement

Join us for our latest SDAN ZOOM meeting on Thursday December 2 at noon. We will update our members on recent advocacy efforts and the legislative workgroup. Then Rhonda Workman will join us to answer any remaining questions you may have regarding the DDA Family as Staff and Participant Agreement forms! Looking forward to seeing you all! […]