Developmental Disabilities Day At The Legislature

YOUR HELP IS DESPERATELY NEEDED TO ENSURE SELF-DIRECTION IS PART OF THE CONVERSATION IN ANNAPOLIS! Last November, with its “Self-Direction Manual” MDH-DDA showed us all the future that it envisions for Self-Direction… less funding, lower wages,...


Join us for a rally to stop the self-direction policies that were developed without input from stakeholders—YOU, and all the other people who will be hurt by them. DOWNLOAD AND SHARE THE FLYER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th 11:30-12:30 LAWYERS MALL, ANNAPOLIS DIRECTIONS...

Self Direction FAQs

1. What is Self-Direction (SD)? Self-Direction is when a person with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) makes their own decisions about how their Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) funding is allocated: You select the kind of...

SDAN Video – “Self-Direction & the Good Life!”

Self-Direction & The Good Life: Many Lives, Many Choices Video funded by SpArc Tank Grant from The Arc Maryland   SDAN received a grant from The Arc Maryland to make two videos: this one and another one coming soon to help recruit staff. The Arc’s...