My Life, My Choices

My History:  Meningitis at 9 months left me brain damaged resulting in OCD, Anxiety, Seizures, ADD and moderate intellectual disability.


My girlfriend and going out with her

Movies, Restaurants, Concerts, amusement parks live shows and the beach

Sleeping with my dog, Jax

Hanging with family, especially mom

Helping around the house

Being able to decide who works for me as staff

I Chose Self Directed because:

I disliked being in a group home.  I felt they did not listen to what I wanted to do.

Self Direction is important to me because I am

  1. Allowed to manage DDA’s budget and decide where/how the money will be spent – including going to camp
  2. Select own staff – eliminating anxiety about who is going to take care of me
  3. Able to hire family as paid staff.  This helps me to feel safe and secure.   If I couldn’t do this, my mom would have to work more outside of the house instead of being with me.
  4. Plan my own day.   Have a more meaningful day.
  5. Staff is more Personal Support staff instead of the “one to one” which means I can see my girlfriend, family and attend events such as Church and sports events.   I stay safe and clean.
  6. I am able to decide where I do my community learning hours.

In general, I am much happier, safer and secure being in the Self Direction program with DDA.